Aswan Camel Ride at Westbank

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Aswan Camel Ride at Westbank
Aswan Camel Ride at Westbank
Aswan Camel Ride at Westbank
Aswan Camel Ride at Westbank
Aswan, Egypt

You can select up to 1 travelers in total.
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    Price varies by group size

    (Each package can have between 1 to 1 guests)

    Billing Adress


    3 Hours


    Ready to make lasting memories in Aswan? Book your Camel Ride Tour in Aswan.

    Embark on an adventure where you will pass by the ancient tombs and temples.

    Spend an hour exploring the enchanting West Bank while riding alongside your companion.

    Click the button to kick off your adventure. Book your spot now.


    • Pickup from your hotel/cruise in an air-conditioned vehicle.
    • Arrive at the dock and board on a motorboat.
    • Cross the Nile River to the West Bank.
    • Ride a camel for 1 hour and admire the scenery there.
    • Return to the East Bank and then to your hotel/cruise.


    • Transportation. (air-conditioned vehicle).
    • A ride for 1 hour. (camel-horse-donkey).
    • Motorboat ride.


    • Personal expenses.
    • Gratitude.

    Important notes

    Dress code: Casual.

    Cancellation policy

    You can cancel free of charge up to 24 hours. Any cancellation less than 24 hours will be non-refundable.